Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dec 23rd...There are Gators in that pond!!!

First peek !

Swimming this way


Just hanging around
I mentioned in yesterday's blog that we were told by the owner of this park that there were 3 alligators in the pond that is 10 feet from our motor home.   We have not seen hide nor scale of anything that even resembles a carnivorous critter since we have been here and thought that we were told that just to spice things up a bit.  Well.......this morning as I was gazing out over the little pond in hopes of seeing something, anything..there he/she was!  All 2 1/2 feet with two eyes and one of the back ridges riding high out of the water.  I grabbed my camera,and  slowly and carefully walked over to where it was in the water (didn't want to scare it away, right?)  I hunkered down, took aim with the camera and almost fell over backwards..  The little critter started swimming my way.  As I scrambled backwards I heard Richard laughing a very safe distance in the door of the camper!  So here she/he is.  I am calling her Vixen after one of the reindeer that we should see flying overhead in a day or so!

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